
The Woman’s Missionary Union® or WMU is an organization that strives to challenge Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God. Since its beginning in 1888, WMU has been true to its basic purpose: missions. Our church participates in the national movement through local groups that gather to educate and mobilize our church to be on mission.
Through conferences, ministry ideas and models, volunteer opportunities, curriculum for age-level organizations and leadership training, WMU helps our church stay on course as we attempt to be a community of Jesus followers impacting others around the world starting in our neighborhood. Take the opportunity to get involved in one of our WMU groups.
Missions are in our DNA and in our budget at FBCNKC. Missions are such a priority that they are included in the general ministry plan and funding. Giving to the general budget supports our mission initiatives and partnerships.
Throughout the year members give above and beyond their offerings and tithes to the general budget to provide extra support to key mission partners such as the International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, Homefront Community Development, Hillcrest Hope and Operation Christmas Child.
We have Local, National and International ministry teams led by our members who help coordinate various ministry outreach opportunities in the local, national and international contexts.