Casas por Cristo

Teams from FBC have constructed more than 15 houses for the poor in Juarez, Mexico in partnership with Casas por Cristo in El Paso, Texas as well as local churches in Mexico. Its name in Spanish means “Houses for (because of) Christ.” Their motto, “Tired Hands, Blessed Lives” comes to life through teams of volunteers who go to Juarez and other cities across Latin America to build homes as a form of servant evangelism. Opportunities exist for prayer partnering, construction, cross-cultural interaction, evangelism, and giving financially.
East Africa Medical Clinics

FBC is involved in mission projects in East Africa, Kenya and Ethiopia, including construction, digging water wells, and medical ministries. Most recent mission trips to Kenya have focused on supporting the medical clinics established on previous trips. Opportunities exist for prayer partnering, supply collection, cross-cultural interaction, evangelism and giving financially.
Africa Inland Mission

Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. FBC helps support an AIM missionary family in Nairobi who have roots at FBCNKC.
Operation Christmas Child

Christmas is a year-round occasion at FBC as volunteers work weekly preparing toys, games, stocking caps and other items to go in Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Thousands of boxes originating at FBC have been sent to children around the world for Christmas. Prayers are said as each box is sent that the children who receive them will come to know Christ as Lord and Savior.

FBCNKC short-term teams go to Southeast Asia to bring the gospel to unreached people groups and provide medical care and community development. Our teams work with long-term missionaries in SEA who provide ongoing discipleship and care to people from many villages and tribes.
International Mission Board

“God has given His vision to the church. That vision, expressed so clearly in Revelation 7:9 of a multitude of every language, people and tribe and nation, is His vision.” – Dr. Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board. FBCNKC partners with the IMB to carry out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.