Welcome to illuminate!
illuminate Children’s Ministry encompasses newborns to children who have finished the 6th Grade, divided into two specific age focuses:
• Nursery: Ages 6 weeks-Preschool (children who will begin Kindergarten in the fall)
• School Age: Kindergarten-6th Grade
Advertised activities, programming and special events will identify which ages are included based on these two categories. If you have a child who has already completed 6th Grade, you will want to find out more about our THRIVE Youth Ministry (serving youth 7th-12th Grade).
Why illuminate? Matthew 5:14-16 tell us, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can’t be hidden. Also, people do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand. Then it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise Your Father who is in heaven.” It is our prayer that getting your child involved in illuminate Children’s Ministry will create a safe place for God to work in their heart. Once that happens…watch their lights shine!
In illuminate, we hope you will discover a place where your children encounter Jesus. We want them to see Him in the faces and interactions of the new friends and volunteers they meet. We want them to hear Him in the stories, messages, skits and worship that they experience each time they are here. We hope that they feel His presence even as they walk out our doors…with Jesus in their hearts, equipped with His power to live their lives for Him each day for the rest of their lives!
When You Arrive
We encourage families to park in the southeast parking lot and try to use the southeast door. This will bring you into the landing where you can easily find signage to guide your famiy to the Nursery and/or Children’s area depending on the ages of your children. FBCNKC also has greeters at each door who are happy to assist you with anything you might need.
Staff and Volunteers
FBCNKC takes great responsibility in caring for children. Volunteers must complete and pass a background check before becoming a volunteer. Volunteers work closely with our Children’s Pastor as they train, prepare and implement lessons and activities for your children. Only scheduled and approved volunteers are allowed into our secured areas once check-in is complete. No exceptions.