Our Nursery is located on the 1st floor, just up the stairs after you enter at the southeast set of doors. The nursery serves children ages 6 weeks-through Preschool. We welcome families with babies younger than 6 weeks to use our facilities to change diapers and/or our rocking chairs and privacy curtain to feed their newborns. At any time after your baby is 6 weeks old, you are welcome to leave your precious one in our care while you attend small group and worship service.
What to Bring
When packing a diaper bag for your child, please include and label the following items: disposable diapers and wipes, pacifier or other security item, a complete change of clothes should your child require it and a bottle if applicable. Water and snacks are provided each week; only send additional foods if dietary restrictions apply.
We are confident that your child willl enjoy their time while in our care. However, separation can be difficult. We have found that the longer a well-meaning parent lingers, the more difficult the transition becomes. We assure you that we will love your child the way we would our own and when we are not able to console them within a reasonable amount of time, we will notify you via text or locate you in to come comfort your child.
Sunday Morning 9:30 AM-Noon
Our children 6 weeks-Preschool will have an exciting morning with caring volunteers. Our goal is to be a place of comfort and warmth for the little ones.
We are currently using the Hands-On-Bible Curriculum from Group Publishing. Children hear familiar Bible stories, have opportunities to create unique crafts, participate in games, song and have snacks that compliment the story. This gives children an opportunity to learn God’s truths in many unforgettable ways.
Wednesday Night 6-7:30 PM
Children 6 weeks old-Preschool are invited to come play with us on Wednesday evenings while families attend small groups, meetings, Worship, etc. Wednesday nights are a fun time where we extend our weekly Bible Story and spend time learning about missions.
During Mission Friends our preschoolers will explore different aspects of missions. Each month a different missionary is featured in the stories and activities. The children will use hands-on activities to explore different cultures, missionary lifestyles and ministries. Water and snack will be served. Please be sure to feed your child dinner prior to any evening nursery programming.